(RADIATOR) Re: Authenticate differently from same NAS

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Dec 30 03:46:18 CST 2005

Hello -

I suspect you need to add at least the following reply attributes:

# flat file define for ecomail user
<Handler Client-Identifier = NASinternet>
         <AuthBy UNIX>
                 Filename        /etc/shadow
		AddToReply Service-Type = Framed-User, \
				Framed-Protocol = PPP

hope that helps



On 30 Dec 2005, at 20:38, G. S. Rakhra wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> We are using RADIUS server Radiator-2.18.4 for authentication  
> Internet and email only users.
> Internet clients dial to Cisco AS5300 RAS with E1 No. 15113 and are  
> authenticated with RADIUS server. The authenication is via SQL  
> database. The Internet user enters username in the form of  
> user at domain.com
> Ecomail clients dial to Cisco 2610 router with PSTN lines and are  
> authenticated with same RADIUS server. In 2610 router we have  
> access list to block browsing for Ecomail clients. They are being  
> allowed only for Email communication. The ecomail users don't use  
> and Realm with their username and authentication is with /etc/ 
> shadow file on the same RADIUS server.
> Now what I want is to make the Ecomail clients dial to Cisco AS5300  
> RAS with same digital 15113 no. and to be authenticated with same  
> RADIUS server. The Internet users will be authenticated using SQL  
> database and Ecomail clients to be authenticated with /etc/shadow  
> file on same RADIUS server. That is both types of clients should  
> dial to Cisco AS5300 RAS with E1 15113 no. I don't want to use  
> separate Cisco 2610 router for Ecomail clients. Later on I need to  
> configure access list for these clients to block Internet browsing.
> The existing working radius.conf file is attached.
> To try authentication of both users I made following changes in the  
> conf file
> #internet client AuthBy SQL(IP of Cisco AS5300 RAS)
> <Client>
>         Identifier NASinternet
>         Secret <secret_key>
>         NasType Cisco
>         SNMPCommunity <community_name>
> </Client>
> # internet client for fewanet handler
> <Handler Realm=fewanet.com.np,Client-Identifier = NASinternet>
>       AuthBy    auth_pkr
>       PostAuthHook    file:"%D/checkblocktimeleft"
>       SessionDatabase SessSQL
> </Handler>
> # flat file define for ecomail user
> <Handler Client-Identifier = NASinternet>
>         <AuthBy UNIX>
>                 Filename        /etc/shadow
>         </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> After this when I tried authentication, the Internet users were  
> authenticated successfully but Ecomail users got "PPP Authorization  
> failed" error.
> Do I need to make certain changes to Cisco AS5300 RAS also?
> Thanks
> G. S. Rakhra
> <radonlinetest.txt>


Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/ 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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