(RADIATOR) <AuthBy Group> inheritance issues?

aab+radiator at drexel.edu aab+radiator at drexel.edu
Fri Dec 2 12:44:58 CST 2005

Ok, so I have done a bit of reading and haven't found what I'm looking for 
yet -- I apologize if it's already a FAQ that I haven't found.

I would like to define my AuthBys such that each site's <AuthBy LDAP2> is 
declared only once in my configuration (for clean maintenance) and the 
necessary EAP methods are declared inside <AuthBy Group> stanzas that 
reference the other auth setups.  I'm using <AuthBy Group> so that I can 
support both TTLS and PEAP against two different LDAP configs for the 
same Realm declaration (or that is the plan -- I haven't tested it yet).

This hasn't seemed to work for either "UsernameMatchesWithoutRealm" or 
"RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/" -- I've had to copy those statements 
into each of the LDAP2 setups instead of only having them in the Group 

Have I missed something obvious?


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