(RADIATOR) AuthBy RoundRobin timeout

Frank Danielson fdanielson at csky.com
Wed Aug 24 15:39:16 CDT 2005

Hi Sergio-

How about including the log file from the 1745 instance for the same
request? Most likely it is just not responding quickly enough. If this is
case the two choices you have are increasingthe timeout parameter in the
AuthBy RoundRobin or finding out the source of the delay.

Frank Danielson
Infrastructure Architect

ClearSky Mobile Media
56 E. Pine St.
Orlando, FL 32801

fdanielson at csky.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Sergio Alejandro Gonzalez Z (S2010) [mailto:sagonzal at sky.net.co]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:41 PM
To: radiator at open.com.au
Cc: hugh at open.com.au; sgonzalez at digiware.com.co
Subject: (RADIATOR) AuthBy RoundRobin timeout

Hello There:

Looking for the cause of the problem (posted by me couple
of days ago) regarding LDAP errors, I found the LDAP was
answering correctly, but the AuthBY ROUNDROBIN was telling
me this in the log file:

Note: The AuthBy ROUNDROBIN clause runs on a radius
instance on A.B.C.C on 1645 and one of the instances that
is receiving the round robined request runs on the same
server but on 1745 port.

*** Sending to A.B.C.D port 1745 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 150
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        User-Name = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        User-Password = "XXXXXXX"
        NAS-Port-Type = Async
        Calling-Station-Id = "000000000"
        Called-Station-Id = "9"
        NAS-Port = 651
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        NAS-IP-Address = w.x.y.z

Wed Aug 24 14:28:23 2005: DEBUG: Timed out, retransmitting
Wed Aug 24 14:28:23 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:

So the radius server who is receiving doesn't answer as
fast as I want. Looking inside the log file of the 1745
instance, I found no problems.

What should be the problem?.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Sergio Gonzalez
IT Engineer.

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