(RADIATOR) Multiple IP Windows Installation stops listening on Auth/Acct Ports

Will MacHugh wmachugh-lists at eltopia.com
Wed Aug 24 08:09:44 CDT 2005

We are currently running Radiator 3.13 on Windows 2k Server SP 4 with 
PERL 5.6.1 attached to a MS-SQL 2000 database. We operate 2 physical 
radius servers (Dell 1650's) with 3 IP's each running their own instance 
of radiator. (Six active 'virtual' radius servers)

The primary IP interface on each each physical machine runs a 'radius 
proxy' of sorts that does nothing more than recieve requests from 
multiple radius clients, and based on realm, DNIS, and color of my 
cracker jack moon ring decoder, routes the auth and acct packets to an 
appropriate server. Our primary Auth mechanism for this is SQLRadius. 
The secondary and tertiary radiator instances on these machine do 
auth/acct for my customers using simple database lookups.

Occasionally without warning, changes, and generally during times when I 
least want to be bothered (generally when I'm clutching to the shambled 
idea of my non-existant social life, or worse yet, trying to sleep), the 
'Proxy' radius servers quit listening to requests by 'some' ips. I use 
NTRadPing on the radius server itself and get no response. Even when I 
have the debug trace level set to 4, I don't get any response. Not even 
a friendly 'unauthorized client' message or the like. The machine will 
take 'some' requests from machines but it seems to just halt 
occasionally. What's crazy is the secondary machine does exactly the 
same thing at exactly the same time which would lead me to believe I 
have something screwed up in my network.What strains my noodle and the 
infallible logic of my 'Magic 8-Ball' (http://8ball.ofb.net/) is that we 
have made no network changes in months. Then, after staring staring at 
the configs and listening the the crying, whining and bitching of my 
users for roughly 4 or 5 hours, everything just starts working again as 
if by magic.

In general, I probably wouldn't have posted this to the list and would 
keep trying to narrow things down to some physical error in my network 
or ip stack but after talking to Hugh Irvine yesterday, I got the 
impression that my problem is not unique and that others have 
experienced similar drama on their Windows boxes. If anybody has similar 
experiece and can offer direction I would surely appriciate it.

Anybody with information leading to my missing social life will be 
awarded a Magic 8-Ball and a box of cracker jacks.


Will MacHugh


The Configs (don't laugh.... I'm an amature and I bruise easily)

# Network Configuration File
# Last Updated 12/11/2004 Will MacHugh
# C:\>perl c:\perl\bin\radiusd -config_file "c:\program 

LogDir c:/Program Files/Radiator
DbDir c:/Program Files/Radiator
LogFile %L/network.log

AuthPort 1812
AcctPort 1813

DictionaryFile %D/dictionary

Trace 3

<AuthLog SQL>
    Identifier    SQLLogger
    DBSource    dbi:ODBC:dbRadiator
    DBUsername    radiator
    DBAuth        mypassword
    LogFailure    1
    LogSuccess    1
    FailureQuery sp_RadLog_Insert 0,'%c',%3,'%u',%1,'%Y-%m-%d 
    SuccessQuery sp_RadLog_Insert 1,'%c',%3,'%u',%1,'%Y-%m-%d 

<SessionDatabase SQL>
    Identifier SQLSession
    DBSource dbi:ODBC:dbRadiator
    DBUsername radiator
    DBAuth mypassword
    AddQuery sp_Session_Add '%u','%1', %2, %3, '%Y-%m-%d 
    DeleteQuery sp_Session_Delete '%1', 0%2
    ClearNasQuery sp_Session_ClearNas '%N'
    CountQuery sp_Session_Count '%u'

<SessionDatabase NULL>
    Identifier NULLSDB

<AuthBy SQL>
    Identifier SQLAccounting
    DBSource dbi:ODBC:dbRadiator
    DBUsername radiator
    DBAuth mypassword
    HandleAcctStatusTypes Stop
    AcctSQLStatement sp_Accounting_Insert 

    Identifier ForwardToProxy
    DBSource dbi:ODBC:dbRadiator
    DBUsername radiator
    DBAuth mypassword
    HostSelect spSQLRadius '%R', '%{Called-Station-Id}', %0, 1
    HostColumnDef 0, Host
    HostColumnDef 1, Secret
    HostColumnDef 2, AuthPort
    HostColumnDef 3, AcctPort
    HostColumnDef 4, Retries
    HostColumnDef 5, RetryTimeout
    HostColumnDef 6, UseOldAscendPasswords
    HostColumnDef 7, ServerHasBrokenPortNumbers
    HostColumnDef 8, ServerHasBrokenAddresses
    HostColumnDef 9, IgnoreReplySignature
    HostColumnDef 10, FailurePolicy
    HostColumnDef 11, RewriteUsername
    HostColumnDef 12, StripFromReply
    HostColumnDef 13, AddToReply
    NumHosts 2
        Secret mysecret
        AuthPort 1812
        AcctPort 1813
        Secret mysecret
        AuthPort 1812
        AcctPort 1813

    Identifier AuthInternal
    AuthResult                ACCEPT
    AcctStartResult            ACCEPT
    AcctStopResult            ACCEPT
    DefaultResult            ACCEPT

    DBSource dbi:ODBC:dbRadiator
    DBUsername radiator
    DBAuth mypassword
    GetClientQuery sp_GetClients

<Handler Acct-Status-Type = Alive>
    SessionDatabase NULLSDB
    AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
    AuthBy AuthInternal

<Handler Acct-Status-Type = /Start|Stop/>
    SessionDatabase SQLSession
    AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
    AuthBy SQLAccounting
    #AuthBy AuthInternal
    AuthBy ForwardToProxy

    SessionDatabase SQLSession
    AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
    AuthLog SQLLogger
    #AuthBy AuthInternal
    AuthBy ForwardToProxy

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