(RADIATOR) radiator install

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sun Apr 17 18:38:20 CDT 2005

Hello -

When you unpack the Radiator-3.12.tgz distribution file, you can 
specify a target directory such as C:\Radiator or C:\Program 
Files\Radiator or whatever directory you wish. The distribution 
contains a large number of text files and subdirectories, including the 
main "radiusd" program which is the program that is run by perl (ie. 
the radius server itself is called "radiusd").

If you unpack the Radiator-3.12.tgz distribution into C:\Radiator for 
example, you can change directory in a DOS window:

	cd C:\Radiator\Radiator-3.12

in this directory you will find the "radiusd" program as well as the 
example "radius.cfg" file and so on.

Radiator is not a GUI-based Windows application, rather it is a 
background utility program that is written in Perl which is executed by 
running something like this:

	perl radiusd -foreground -log_stdout -trace 4 -config_file radius.cfg

hope that helps



On 18 Apr 2005, at 04:27, finjurdata wrote:

> When trying to unzip radiator with winzip it does not open all the 
> files. SO I downloaded a free winzip copy called quickzip which solved 
> that problem
> However when trying to install radiator
> 	1.  	Start an MSDOS command window, change directories to the 
> distribution directory.
> 	2.  	 Type perl Makefile.PL. This will check that your distribution 
> is complete.
> 	3.  	 Run the regression tests with perl test.pl. You should see lots 
> of lines like "ok xx", and none saying "not ok xx".
> 	4.  	 Install Radiator with perl Makefile.PL install. This will 
> install the Radiator programs and libraries in the standard places, 
> and will create a basic Radiator configuration file in C:\Program 
> Files\Radiator\radius.cfg and a sample users file in C:\Program 
> Files\Radiator\users.
> 	5.  	 Now test Radiator with the sample configuration file in 
> c:\Program Files\Radiator\radius.cfg which authenticates all requests 
> from the file C:\Program Files\Radiator\users, and logs extensively to 
> C:\Program Files\Radiator\logfile
> for some reason this radiator file is not in program files but rather 
> separate . I linked all of those files to perl line manager to open 
> with. When running the test I got good results but where is the 
> radiator file. AM I missing something. I installed for ldap radius the 
> file with active perl successfully. Please give me a step by step what 
> I am doing wrong. In command prompt I cannot change the directory to 
> either perl or radiator. How can i correct this.


Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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