(RADIATOR) Radiator Auth issues (I think)...
Hugh Irvine
hugh at open.com.au
Mon Apr 4 15:29:26 CDT 2005
Hello Mark -
I can't see anything obviously wrong with what you show below.
I suggest you check a debug on the Cisco to see what it thinks is wrong.
On 4 Apr 2005, at 02:21, Mark Sergeant wrote:
> To start with I'll admit I'm new to radiator and am in the process of
> trying to migrate all our systems from cistron to radiator. I'm having
> an issue with our test cisco kit authenticating sessions... the test
> auth from the radpwtest command works fine, as does a test aaa group
> radius username password legacy on the actual cisco router itself, yet
> when I try and get a dsl session to login it just sits there
> reauthing, the following is the log output and config files, let me
> know what else is needed... and if I missed something obvious a
> pointer to the doco would be great !
> The system is a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p5 machine, with perl 5.8.6 and
> all other ports up to date, the eventual plan is to do a full postgres
> setup but for now I'd like to work with the old cistron files...
> Users file entry...
> 0755555555 at qIEXECTEST.rdsln03 Password = "blah"
> Service-Type = Framed,
> Framed-Protocol = PPP,
> Framed-MTU = 1450,
> Framed-IP-Address =,
> Cisco-AVPair = "lcp:interface-config=ip vrf forwarding
> VPN-IEXEC\\nip unnumbered loopback 86",
> Cisco-AVPair = "ip:route#1=vrf VPN-IEXEC
> Cisco-AVPair = "lcp:interface-config=bandwidth 512",
> Cisco-AVPair = "lcp:interface-config=description iexecpty-test"
> N.B. I've added Framed and Cisco-AVPair into the dictionary file
> instead of Framed-User & cisco-avpair.
> Config file...
> Foreground
> LogStdout
> Trace 4
> PidFile /tmp/radiusd.pid
> AuthPort 1812
> AcctPort 1813
> BindAddress, x.x.x.x
> LogDir /var/log/radius
> DbDir /usr/local/etc/raddb
> <Client>
> Secret mysecret
> DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> <Client x.x.x.x>
> Secret mysecret
> DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> <Handler
> Realm=/
> l\.iexec.*|dialports.iexec.com.au/>
> AcctLogFileName %L/detail
> WtmpFileName %L/wtmp
> PasswordLogFileName %L/password.log
> RejectHasReason
> <AuthBy FILE>
> Filename %D/users
> </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> # Ignore the preauth requests.
> <Handler Realm=/dnis.*/i>
> </Handler>
> -- Log entries...
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from x.x.x.x port 1645 ....
> Code: Access-Request
> Identifier: 8
> Authentic: <154><20>@<141>:h2e<26><0><222>I<216>9<239><247>
> Attributes:
> Framed-Protocol = PPP
> User-Name = "iexec at qIEXECTEST"
> CHAP-Password =
> <2><254><235><227><153>#<247><149><213><227>k<210><222>O<7><0><127>
> NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
> NAS-Port = 187
> NAS-Port-Id = "Uniq-Sess-ID187"
> Connect-Info = "524288"
> Service-Type = Framed-User
> NAS-IP-Address =
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
> 'Realm=/
> l\.iexec.*|dialports
> .iexec.com.au/'
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Deleting session for
> iexec at qIEXECTEST, x.x.x.x
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match
> with iexec at qIEXECTEST
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE ACCEPT:
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Access accepted for iexec at qIEXECTEST
> Thu Mar 31 16:07:58 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 1645 ....
> Code: Access-Accept
> Identifier: 8
> Authentic: <154><20>@<141>:h2e<26><0><222>I<216>9<239><247>
> Attributes:
> Framed-IP-Address =
> Service-Type = Framed
> Framed-Protocol = PPP
> Framed-MTU = 1450
> Cisco-AVPair = "lcp:interface-config=ip vrf forwarding
> VPN-IEXEC\\nip unnumbered loopback 86"
> Cisco-AVPair = "lcp:interface-config=bandwidth 512"
> Cisco-AVPair = "lcp:interface-config=description
> iexec-test-shdsl"
NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our
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