(RADIATOR) multiple dictionary files not working with server and radpwtest, and some VSAs failing

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Sep 28 10:38:59 CDT 2004

Hello Tariq -

Multiple dictionaries work fine with Radiator 3.9:

perl radiusd -foreground -log_stdout -trace 4 -config_file test.cfg
Tue Sep 28 17:34:34 2004: DEBUG: Finished reading configuration file 
Tue Sep 28 17:34:34 2004: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file './dictionary'
Tue Sep 28 17:34:34 2004: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file ' 
Tue Sep 28 17:34:34 2004: DEBUG: Creating authentication port
Tue Sep 28 17:34:34 2004: DEBUG: Creating accounting port
Tue Sep 28 17:34:34 2004: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 3.9 on 

The dictionary defintion from the standard Radiator 3.9 dictionary is 

VENDORATTR   2352       RB-Context-Name                 4       string



On 28 Sep 2004, at 16:53, Tariq Rashid wrote:

> hi - 2 issues here:
> i am working with testing a new NAS hardware from Redback. they have
> supplied their own dictionary file with their VSAs defines.. no issue 
> there.
> however,
> 1. when i start the radiator 3.8 server with command line pointers to
> dictionaries (comma separated) the second seems to be ignored. it 
> works when
> i append the second VSA dictionary to the first. how do i know it 
> doesn't
> work, well theoutgoing reply packet does not contain the required VSA 
> but
> does when using the appended dictionary.
>   the same appears to be true for the radpwtest client. if i use a 
> comma
> separated list (as per help text) the second is ignored, but wheni use 
> the
> appended dictionary, the trace 5 dumps do show tghe correct attributes.
> 2. now using the working appended dictionary, i also find that the VSA 
> is
> not obtained from a backend LDAP server, when all others are. for 
> example,
> Cisco-AVPairs are obtained and sent out fine, but the new VSA
> 	RB-Context-Name = "lns"
> is not. they are obtained in the main radius.cfg file using the
> 	AuthAttrDef dialAttr,GENERIC,request
> in the <AuthBy LDAP2> sections ... where dialAttr is the multivalued 
> ldap
> field.
> to get around this i am hardcoding the add_attr in a hook file.
> any thoughts much appreciated.
> tariq
> --
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