(RADIATOR) RE: No such user after changing realm from default

Levi Senft levi at utahweb.com
Mon Sep 13 17:56:18 CDT 2004

I've fixed this using the RewriteUsername directive and example regex used
in the manual (go figure, in the manual...)

Levi Senft
(801) 486-6111

-----Original Message-----
From: Levi Senft [mailto:levi at utahweb.com]
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 3:49 PM
To: Radiator List
Subject: No such user after changing realm from default

This is my first radiator installation, so bear with me.  I set up my
radius.cfg using the default realm.  I was able to authenticate my test
user.  I changed the realm and now when I try to authenticate I get the
following error:

INFO: Access rejected for testuser at utahweb: No such user

If I switch the realm in the config to DEFAULT then I'm able to

I'm using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.1, MySQL and Radiator 3.9.

Levi Senft
(801) 486-6111

# Radius config

LogDir		/var/radius
LogFile		/var/radius/%M%d%Y-radius.log
DbDir		/etc/radiator
DictionaryFile	%D/dictionary

PidFile /tmp/radiusd.pid

# User a lower trace level in production systems:
Trace 		3

# Auth & Acct ports
AuthPort	1645, 1812
AcctPort	1646, 1813

BindAddress 192.168.0.xx

# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your site,
# one for each NAS you want to work with
<Client DEFAULT>
	Secret xx
	DupInterval 0

<Realm utahweb>
    	# This uses the users realm to look up the target
	# radius server in an SQL database

	# Tell users why they were rejected
	<AuthBy SQL>
		# Reject any access request with an empty password

		DBSource	dbi:mysql:radius:192.168.0.xx
		DBUsername	xx
		DBAuth		xx

		# The default HostSelect query will look up according
		# to realm in a table called RADSQLRADIUS
		#HostSelect select HOST1, SECRET from RADSQLRADIUS where TARGETNAME='%R'
		#NumHosts 1


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