(RADIATOR) Two questions about AcctSQLStatement return variables

Randall radiator at diskserv.com
Fri Sep 10 18:33:05 CDT 2004

I would like your view on the best way to handle this, please.

I would like to, on receipt of an Accounting Stop Record, perform something 
similar to the following:

select {field1}, {field2}, {field3}, {field4} from {Database1} where 
{field1} = '%W'
If { field2} = “{something}” and {field3} = {something} then
             Update {Database2} set {field1} =   {field1} - ({ field2} * 
{something}) where {field3} = {Database1.field2}
Elseif  { field2} = “{something}” and {field3} = {something} then


End If

I can work out the logic and SQL syntax, that is not the problem.  My 
questions are:

Does AcctSQLStatement return variables that can be used if it is a select 
statement.  (IE: %0, %1, %2) ?

Does this need to be done via a Hook?  If so which hook is performed after 
receipt of a stop record?

Thank you!

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