(RADIATOR) Airport Extreme Base Station with EAP

Robert Blayzor noc at inoc.net
Fri Sep 10 09:39:55 CDT 2004

Can someone shed some light on how to setup an AirPort extreme base 
station to use Radiator as the RADIUS server. (Enterprice WPA)

I have the base station configured and it's sending requests to the 
Radiator server.  I install all the mods I needed and I do see the 
requests coming into Radiator, however, I'm not getting auth.

This is what I see in the Radiator log file:

Fri Sep 10 10:04:28 2004: ERR: Could not handle an EAP request: Can't 
locate object method "response_identity" via package "Radius::EAP_25" at 
Radius/EAP.pm line 138.

This is what I have in my Radiator config for the Airport:

         Identifier              Foo
         Secret                  xxxxx
         NasType                 ignore

<Handler Client-Identifier = Foo>
         <AuthBy FILE>
                 Identifier      EAP-Users
                 Filename        %D/eap-users
                 EAPType         PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MD5
         AcctLogFileName %L/detail
         SessionDatabase Null-SDB

I know I'm probably missing more EAP stuff, but I can't find exactly 
what the Airport Extremem needs.  Wondering if someone already has this 
setup and can share, or if someone knows where I can look.

I'm looking for the most simple configuration for EAP without getting 
into certificates if I don't have to.



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