(RADIATOR) How can insert a TimeStamp?

Bon sy bon at bunny.cs.qc.edu
Wed Sep 8 16:19:47 CDT 2004

	You can simply replace the "timeless" timestamp attribute by
Oracle function "sysdate" in your sql insert statement; e.g.,

insert into acct_table (... timestamp, NAS-Port, ...) 
	values (... sysdate, 5060, ....);

	On another note, I am curious which sip proxy are you using? I saw
in this mailing list awhile ago about the success story of iptel in
Debian, but unfortunately we were not able to replicate the successful
implementation of iptel, using free open source, in Debian with both
accounting and authentication working properly.

Bon Sy

On Wed, 8 Sep 2004, Ricardo Martinez wrote:

> Hi.
> 	I'm using Radiator for accounting.  The Radius incoming message for
> accounting that i'm receiving does not have any "time" in his attributes.  I
> would like to know how to insert a timestamp (maybe in some formated type),
> as an attribute, before i send it to my Oracle Database.   Is this possible?
> how can i do this?.
> I would like something like this : 
> Attributes:
> 		User-Name = "ricardo at XX.XX.148.246"
> 		Digest-Attributes = "<10><9>ricardo"
> 		Digest-Attributes = "<1><15>XX.XX.148.246"
> 		Digest-Attributes =
> "<2>*4140c9ddcc415f2605b3750c53da2c6778fafa96"
> 		Digest-Attributes = "<4><19>sip:XX.XX.148.246"
> 		Digest-Attributes = "<3><10>REGISTER"
> 		Digest-Attributes = "<5><6>auth"
> 		Digest-Attributes = "<9><10>00000001"
> 		Digest-Attributes = "<8><10>1689cec2"
> 		Digest-Response = "604440d9ff5a6e769d494739ddd4c688"
> 		Service-Type = Sip-Session
> 		Sip-Uri-User = "5552203290"
> 		NAS-IP-Address =
> 		NAS-Port = 5060
> --New ATTR---	TimeStamp = "123456789"
> Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards
> Ricardo Martinez
> --
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