(RADIATOR) Custom Reply attributes

James Nelson radiator at isleofatlantis.net
Tue Nov 16 19:44:15 CST 2004

I'm trying to support a new radius client that sends a Mac address for 
username/password and receives 2 vendor specific reply attributes for 
bandwidth throttling.  I'm using a AuthbySQL, and have the 
AuthColumnDefs setup as follows:

        AuthSelect select MAC,DownLink,UpLink from ...
        AuthColumnDef 0, User-Name, check
        AuthColumnDef 1, Limit-Rate-Downlink, reply
        AuthColumnDef 2, Limit-Rate-Uplink, reply

It authenticates fine with our test account, and reads in the 2 values 
okay, but sends "unknown-vendor 14882" to the client (using a radius 
client on a pc to test this).  I'm guessing I need to define the vendor 
somewhere, but am coming up empty on where/how to do that.  I have found 
the enterprise-numbers 
(http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers) file that has it 
defined, but I'm not sure what to do with it (if anything).  I put the 2 
values in a seperate file:

# smartBridges dictionary.

# VENDOR smartBridges 14882

# smartBridges Vendor Specific Extensions
VENDORATTR 14882 Limit-Rate-Downlink 1 integer
VENDORATTR 14882 Limit-Rate-Uplink   2 integer

Which is included with:

DictionaryFile        %D/dictionary,%D/dictionary.smartbridges

Here is a link to the faq by the vendor if it helps:

What am I missing here?  Thanks in advance,
::James Nelson

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