(RADIATOR) Feature Request: <AuthBy IMAPS>

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at kiz.uni-ulm.de
Sun Nov 14 02:31:22 CST 2004

Hi Mike,

Mike McCauley schrieb:
> Tests fine with PAP and TTLS-PAP
> Let me know when you are ready for us to put it in the patches.

The code for AuthByIMAP2 is ready, just a question
about the naming conventions.

Shall we really name it AuthByIMAP2 oder shall
we replace the old AuthByIMAP, since the new code
would not break old configs (hopefully).
Please put it in the patches with the name you
choose, it's up to you.

The next question is:
How shall I name AuthPOP3v2? It's again a question
about replacement of old code or adding the new module
with a different (what?) name.

If you send me a name suggestion for AuthByPOP3v2
I'll code it in the next few days.

Best Regards

Karl Gaissmaier       KIZ/Infrastructure, University of Ulm, Germany
Email:karl.gaissmaier at kiz.uni-ulm.de           Service Group Network

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