(RADIATOR) Feature Request: <AuthBy IMAPS>

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at kiz.uni-ulm.de
Sat Nov 13 03:43:20 CST 2004

Hi Mike,

Mike McCauley schrieb:
> Hello Charly,
> Nice work.
> I took the liberty of adding support for encrypted private key files with  
> SSLCAClientKeyPassword and testing with TTLS-PAP.

fine, that's why I ask

> The new version, plus a sample config file is attached.
> Ill add it to the patches and the next release when you are ready?

Not yet, after sleeping over it I'll refactore it
to put also the _auth_imap() call into findUser()
to circumvent the dirty hack with Password=Dummy
and not giving the socket object in $self->{_imap_sock}
out of control. I'll rewrite it to the following

findUser {
	$sock = _get_socket
             or return problem with the database

         create $user
         $password = decode password from request
         $success = _auth_imap($sock)
         close socket

         if ( $success )
             add check-item Password=$password
             add check-item Password=scramble($password)

         return $user

that's it. When the authentication is successful
we just stuff the request password literally as check-item
so the SUPER->check_plain_password will match.
When authentication fails we scramble(rot13, random, ...)
the request password to be sure SUPER->check_plain_password
will not match.

Any good idea to scramble the password kiss-like in
order to be sure that scramble($pwd) != $pwd and
not come in conflict with the hidden logic in
AuthGeneric::checkPassword, since as far as I
see crypt($pwd) would be a problem.

I would prefer an easy rot13 scheme.

This is a more cleaner hack as the Password=Dummy to
force a callback into this Class and giving the socket
out of control.

In the next few days (uups nights) I'll send you this
corrected patch and also the AuthPOP3(2) with the
same logic. How shall we name AuthPOP3(2), AuthPOP32
isn't quite good, any suggestions?

Best regards

Karl Gaissmaier       KIZ/Infrastructure, University of Ulm, Germany
Email:karl.gaissmaier at kiz.uni-ulm.de           Service Group Network

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