(RADIATOR) Running Radiator on Win2k machine

Darwin Hormillosa dhormillosa at owtel.com
Wed Nov 10 21:03:47 CST 2004

    We tried running radiator radius server on a Win2k Advanced Server machine. We run it thru command prompt and its working fine, tried it on localhost using radpwtst and dial up and authenticates properly. We run it overnight, and someone dials up on that evening and having problem connecting, got error 718 or it reached verifying username and password then it creates an error.  So that means it's username and password is not properly authenticated.
We checked the machine where the radiator is installed, the radius server is running, checked listening port 1645 1646 are running..checked the logs,no attempts, and did "radpwtst" .we got an error "No reply".  We closed the program and launch it again, then it works fine after that.. Actually testing period starts just yesterday and haven't experience yet if the same problem will reoccur.
Is this really a usual problem if radiator is running on Windows machine compared to unix-based OS which is more stable, i should say.. Our win2k machine does not contain all the patches/updates from windowsupdate.com website.. Do you think that will also a factor?????

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