(RADIATOR) PacketCable Structure and Radiator.

Ricardo Martinez rmartinez at redvoiss.net
Thu May 27 11:52:21 CDT 2004

	I'm trying to receive and proccess RADIUS packets from a PacketCable
structure with Radiator.    Radiator must act as a RKS Server which receive
Event Message from the Packet Cable network.  These PacketCable Event
Message are encapsulating in RADIUS packet.  I made a simple test,  and
defined Radiator as my primary RKS server in my PacketCable network, so all
the RADIUS packets are sent to the Radiator.

I observed that the RADIUS packet arrived to the Radiator, and decode all
the first part of the packet..

Code: Accounting Request (4)
  Packet identifier: 0x25 (37)
  Length: 187
  Attribute value pairs
    t:NAS IP Address(4) l:6, Value:
    t:Acct Status Type(40) l:6, Value:Interim Update(3)

Then Radiator it seems don't understand the next part of the message and
send messages like the Attribute 3, 4, 5 are not in the dictionary.  Even
don't recognize the vendor 4491 (CableLabs).  Unfortanately i don't have the
"real" error messages from Radiator, but i have a Radius packet from a
PacketCable Structure.

Code: Accounting Request (4)
Packet identifier: 0x25 (37)
Length: 187
Attribute value pairs
t:NAS IP Address(4) l:6, Value:
t:Acct Status Type(40) l:6, Value:Interim Update(3)
t:Vendor Specific(26) l:84, Vendor:CableLabs(4491)
Event Message Version ID: 1
Timestamp: 1041973760
Element ID: 41
Time Zone: DST: 0, Offset: -070000
Event Counter: 26
Event Message Type: Call_Answer (15)
Element Type: MGC(1)
Element ID: 41
Time Zone: DST: 0, Offset: -070000
Sequence Number: 51
Event Time: 2003010714 929.431
Status: 0x00000000
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..00 = Status: No Error (0x00000000)
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .0.. = Event Origin: Trusted Element
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = Event Message Proxied: Not proxied
Priority: 0
Attribute Count: 3
Event Object: 0
t:EM_Header Data structure(1) l:78, Value:
t:Vendor Specific(26) l:32, Vendor:CableLabs(4491)
Timestamp: 1041973756
Element ID: 41
Time Zone: DST: 0, Offset: -070000
Event Counter: 25
t:Related_Call_Billing_Correlation_ID(13) l:26, Value:
t:Vendor Specific(26) l:28, Vendor:CableLabs(4491)
t:Charge_Number(16) l:22, Value:" 3036613880"
t:Vendor Specific(26) l:11, Vendor:CableLabs(4491)
t:Financial Entity ID(49) l:5, Value:"440"

As you can see is not very different from a "normal" radius packet.  My
question is: Can Radiator handle a packet like this.?.  Has someone work
with a PacketCable structure and Radiator. ?
Where i can find the VSA's from PacketCable structure and how can i define
them in the dictionary file?

A lots of question as you can see.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

> Ricardo.

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