(RADIATOR) Outbound User needs to be authed by default.

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed May 26 17:29:01 CDT 2004

Hello Brett -

You should use an AuthBy INTERNAL:

		DefaultResult ACCEPT

See section 6.46 in the Radiator 3.9 reference manual ("doc/ref.html").



On 26 May 2004, at 21:52, Brett Murphy wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have an LNS that is forwarding an l2tp session to another LNS, and 
> the first LNS
> also needs to terminate VPN's using aaa to radiator.
> When the incoming session is forwarded , the router stupidly asks 
> radius for auth,
> with something like:
> For username = fred at domain.com
> User-Name = "domain.com"
> NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
> Service-Type = Outbound-User
> NAS-IP-Address =
> What I have decided to do is "auth this by default" but I cant for the 
> life of me remember how this is done in radiator.
> Is it along the lines of:
> <Handler NAS-IP-Address =, Service-Type=Outbound-User>
>     <AuthBy TEST>
>       DefaultResult ACCEPT
>     </AuthBy TEST>
> </Handler>
> This of course, barfs.
> All the best,
> Brett Murphy
> Director, Alphalink (Australia) PTY LTD
> ph: +61 3 9495-9000 fax: +61 3 9486-6822
> email: brett at alphalink.com.au
> The contents of this message may not be quoted,
> copied, reproduced or published in part or in whole,
> without the written authorization of Brett Murphy,
> Director, Alphalink (Australia) Pty Ltd.
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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