(RADIATOR) perl modules

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue May 18 19:06:43 CDT 2004

Hello Jesse -

Radiator does not include any users file manipulation scripts.



On 19 May 2004, at 06:47, Jesse Guardiani wrote:

> The following is a resend of a message originally sent on
> 2004/05/18 at 16:24:58 EST to from
> that never showed up on the list...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello,
> Does Radiator come with Perl modules that I can use in custom
> scripts to manipulate the users file?
> I wrote my own Perl scripts for this two years ago, but I didn't know
> very much about *nix and perl back then, so they're a bit rough.
> I've seen this, which seems to be much cleaner than my custom
> scripts:
> http://search.cpan.org/~oevans/RADIUS-UserFile-1.01/
> And it looks nice, but it doesn't seem to be quite as full featured as
> I'd like (hard to differentiate between check and reply items, etc...).
> Anything for perl or python would be nice. Heck, if I could interface
> directly with the radiator server (so I can add/delete/modify the file
> directly in radiusd's memory) then that would be even better.
> I'm asking because I need a clean and powerful way to modify
> radius users files from my billmax service hooks.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Jesse Guardiani, Systems Administrator
> WingNET Internet Services,
> P.O. Box 2605 // Cleveland, TN 37320-2605
> 423-559-LINK (v)  423-559-5145 (f)
> http://www.wingnet.net
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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