(RADIATOR) Session-timeout="until Time" and Time = "MoTuWe0800-1400,Wk2200-0400"

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed May 12 21:05:52 CDT 2004

Hello Jason -

You can do pretty much what you show below in a PostAuthHook.

See the examples in "goodies/hooks.txt".

You could also do it with some fancy SQL or a stored procedure.



On 13 May 2004, at 00:31, Jason Godsey wrote:

> For my senario:   The time is Friday, 02:00.
> select password, time_left, rad_reply from users where username='%n'
>  password="test"
>  time_left=6600
>  rad_reply = Time = "MoTuWe0800-1400,Wk2200-0400", \
> Session-timeout="until Time"
> 02:00 to 04:00 is 2 hours (7200 seconds) but I also want to enforce 
> maximum usage constraints (say 100 hours / month).
> So my user has 6600 seconds left on her account, but 7200 seconds to 
> the end of their Time = access window.
> This is basically what I want to do:
> perl -e '$max=shift; $value=shift; printf("Session-Timeout=%d\n", 
> $value > $max ? $max : $value); ' 6600(time_left) 7200(until Time)
> yeilding Session-Timeout = 6600
> and the same is true of the user having 8000 seconds left:
> perl -e '$max=shift; $value=shift; printf("Session-Timeout=%d\n", 
> $value > $max ? $max : $value); ' 8000(time_left) 7200(until Time)
> and Session-Timeout = 7200
> Thank you,
> Jason
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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