(RADIATOR) Strange problem with forking processes

Adam Pogorzelski kwaz at intelcom.pl
Thu May 6 04:56:50 CDT 2004

On one of my radius servers i've strange problem,
'ps auwxf' gives me:
root      7620  0.4  3.9 18148 10148 ?       S    16:40   0:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/radiusd -config_file /etc/radiator/radius.cfg
root      7624  0.1  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    16:41   0:00  \_ [ps <defunct>]
root      7625  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    16:41   0:00  \_ [netstat <defunct>]

Realm for this piece of config is:
<Realm client.pl>
        AuthByPolicy    ContinueWhileReject
        RewriteUsername      s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        include %D/visp/client_pl.cfg
        AuthBy client_vpn_start_db
        <AuthBy ACE>
                ConfigDirectory /usr/ace/data
                Timeout = 5

those zombies borns when request is in second AuthBy ACE,
include file have AuthBy mysql:
        Identifier      client_vpn_start_db

        DBSource        dbi:mysql:CLIENT_RAS_D:
        DBUsername      client_ras_d_rw
        DBAuth          client
        Timeout         2
        FailureBackoffTime      2

i coulnd't find where and how radiuator launching ps or netstat

Best Regards

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