(RADIATOR) Re: Ldap problem
Kevin Azijn
kevin_azijn at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 24 12:49:11 CST 2004
Any ideas how i can solve this?
I tried to use the userPrinicipalName instead of cn. Then i don't have to
rewrite the username, but then i still get the error: "EAP MSCHAPV2
Authentication failure"
Is it possible to add the "@ipv.pt" part again to the username before it is
checked by mschap?
configfile en logfile attached again.
Thanks in advance,
>Hello Kevin -
>I think the problem here is that you are rewriting the username.
>MS-CHAPv2 uses the full username as entered by the user, including the
>realm suffix.
>On 24 Mar 2004, at 07:35, Kevin Azijn wrote:
>>I'm having a problem with ldap and peap.
>>I can connect correctly with ldap and get everything back from it, but
>>then radius says access rejected: peap authentication failure.
>>My logfile and configfile are attached to this mail.
>>who can help me.
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