(RADIATOR) Problem w/ SQLRecoveryFile
Jason Godsey
radiator at corp.fidalgo.net
Tue Mar 23 17:23:44 CST 2004
I am not sure if I've found a bug or that I'm partially brain dead.
A project I'm working on is to log accounting information directly to sql, however
I don't want to lose any accounting information should the SQL server be out to lunch.
After reading through the manual again, I happened upon SQLRecoveryFile. I'm sure my use for
it at the moment isn't how it was intended.
What I wanted was to log accounting info into a text file in sql friendly format, so I could import
and test the SQL server while not disturbing radiator.
What actually happens is a little strange, and I think it's tied to how Radiator escapes mysql strings.
(just to mention this up front, the AcctFailedLogFileName always logs the proper data)
First run, I had dummy DBSource where not only did I define an invalid user/pass but also a bad
database. I realize that most people would never do this intentionally, but doesn't this also simulate
a very bad database error? The exact case this would actually be handy.
I will include some logs here of what happens when radiator tries talking to dummied up/non existant
mysql database.
radius, radiator, password: Access denied for user: 'radiator at localhost' (Using password: YE
Mon Mar 22 21:00:06 2004: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database. Request is ignored. Bac
king off for 600 seconds
Mon Mar 22 21:00:06 2004: DEBUG: do query is: 'insert into _RADUSAGE200403 (ACCTDELAYTIME,ACC
TIME_STAMP,USERNAME) values (0,1658,229,,7,,,,101081014,1080018006,)':
Here you can see the only values that actually make it to the query are integer.
Now, when I made a login/password and create an empty table for radiator to talk to:
Mon Mar 22 21:46:32 2004: ERR: do failed for 'insert into _RADUSAGE200403 (ACCTSESSIONID,ACCT
IME_STAMP,USERNAME) values ('447890528',7,'Stop','3608990616','3608553319','','66.
218.206.44','apx8102.tkwl',101084003,101084003,1080020792,'tech at fidalgo.net')': Table 'radius
._RADUSAGE200403' doesn't exist
At this point it logs the correct data to SQLRecoveryFile.
AcctFailedLogFileName %L/sql/%Y/%m/%d/faildetail.%H.%M.%{GlobalVar:myip}.txt
AcctLogFileFormat %{User-Name} %{Timestamp} %{Acct-Status-Type} %{Acct-Sessision-Time}
%{Framed-IP-Address} %{Acct-Session-Id} %{NAS-IP-Address} %{NAS-Port}
%{GlobalVar:myip} %{Calling-Station-Id} %{Called-Station-Id}
SQLRecoveryFile %L/sql/%Y/%m/%d/failsql.%H.%M.%{GlobalVar:myip}.txt
<AuthBy SQL>
Identifier AuthBySQL
DBSource dbi:mysql:radius
DBUsername radiatorsqlacct
DBAuth radiatorsqlpass
Timeout 1
FailureBackoffTime 6000
AccountingTable _RADUSAGE%Y%m
# I have also tried USERNAME,%{User-Name},formatted
# which also did not work when radiator could not talk to mysql.
AcctColumnDef USERNAME,User-Name
AcctColumnDef USERNAME,User-Name
AcctColumnDef TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer
AcctColumnDef ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
AcctColumnDef FRAMEDIPADDR,Framed-IP-Address
AcctColumnDef NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
AcctColumnDef NASIPADDR,NAS-Port,integer
AcctColumnDef NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
AcctColumnDef CALLERID,Calling-Station-Id
AcctColumnDef CALLEDID,Called-Station-Id
AcctColumnDef MYIP,%{GlobalVar:myip},formatted
AcctFailedLogFileName %L/sql/%Y/%m/%d/faildetail.%H.%M.%{GlobalVar:myip}.txt
AcctLogFileFormat %{User-Name} %{Timestamp} %{Acct-Status-Type} %{Acct-Sessision-Time}
%{Framed-IP-Address} %{Acct-Session-Id} %{NAS-IP-Address} %{NAS-Port}
%{GlobalVar:myip} %{Calling-Station-Id} %{Called-Station-Id}
SQLRecoveryFile %L/sql/%Y/%m/%d/failsql.%H.%M.%{GlobalVar:myip}.txt
<Handler Client-Identifier=RadiatorList>
AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
AuthBy AuthBySQL
AuthBy UsersFILE
AuthLog AuthLOG
AuthLog AuthLOGUserPW
# ExcludeFromPasswordLog godsey jason dave
AcctLogFileName %L/dailyusage/%Y/%m/%d/detail.%{GlobalVar:myip}txt
AcctLogFileName %L/users/%U/%n.%Y.%m.%d.%{GlobalVar:myip}.txt
PasswordLogFileName %L/pacwest/%Y/%m/%d/passwd.%{GlobalVar:myip}.txt
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