(RADIATOR) PreAuthHook q'n.
Hugh Irvine
hugh at open.com.au
Mon Mar 15 02:01:21 CST 2004
Hi Dean -
The problem here is that you can't reject a request before it passes
through the AuthBy clauses.
You should either use a stored procedure in your database (if stored
procedures are supported), or you can use an SQL query in the AuthBy
SQL clause to check the Calling-Station-Id at the same time as the
Password (and anything else). Alternatively you can just use a second
AuthBy SQL clause to check the Calling-Station-Id. Or finally you can
use a PostAuthHook to do the check.
On 15 Mar 2004, at 17:57, Dean McDonald wrote:
> Hiya
> Just a question regarding PreAuthHook - Sorry if this has gone thru
> the list many times.
> I'm just trying to put in a small DB query as a PreAuthHook, to check
> whether Calling-Station-Id exists in a table before doing the
> AuthSelect (and rejecting if it does exist).
> What I'm finding is; after the PreAuthHook is executed, the auth still
> moves on to the next (?) Auth method regardless of what the
> PreAuthHook returns (ie even if an Access-Reject comes back, it still
> moves on to Auth SQL, and the user gets auth'd.
> I notice in RadPing the an Access-Reject does come back, and all seems
> good, but when I actually dial it does get connected in the end (shown
> in the logs).
> 'm sure I've just stuffed up the Handler / AuthBy order.. but I can't
> seem to nail it :(
> Note - I'm intending on having Handlers for each access type (dial,
> DSL, etc)
> # Global variables
> Foreground
> DbDir /opt/Radiator/current
> LogDir /var/log/radius
> LogFile %L/%h-%Y-%m.log
> PidFile %L/radiusd.pid
> DictionaryFile %D/dictionary
> Trace 4
> AuthPort 1645
> AcctPort 1646
> <Client DEFAULT>
> Secret foo
> DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> #
> # Auth Methods
> #
> <AuthBy FILE>
> Identifier reject
> Filename %D/etc/reject.cfg
> </AuthBy>
> # DIAL
> <Handler NAS-Port-Type=Async>
> RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> PreAuthHook file:"%D/hooks/cliCheck.pl"
> <AuthBy SQL>
> include %D/etc/mysql_Dial.cfg
> </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> <Handler NAS-Port-Type=Virtual>
> RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> <AuthBy SQL>
> include %D/etc/mysql_DSL.cfg
> </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> *** Received from x.x.x.x port 2101 ....
> Code: Access-Request
> Identifier: 64
> Authentic: 1079332822
> Attributes:
> User-Name = "foo at foo.net"
> CHAP-Password =
> <211>=<15><168>H<194><221>pZ<7><3><213>f;<197><10><217>
> NAS-Port-Type = Async
> Calling-Station-Id = "123456789"
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
> 'NAS-Port-Type=Async'
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to foo
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Deleting session for foo at foo.net,
> x.x.x.x,
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: PreAuth cliCheck(): checking foo /
> 123456789
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: PreAuth cliCheck(): block exists for
> 123456789 or foo
> Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to x.x.x.x port 2101 ....
> Code: Access-Reject
> Identifier: 64
> Authentic: 1079332822
> Attributes:
> Reply-Message = "rejected for some reason"
> ** Request should just stop here, not continue on to AuthSQL ** (?)
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
> mysql_Dial
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Query is: 'SELECT PASSWORD,
> TIMELEFT > 0':
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with
> foo
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL ACCEPT:
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Access accepted for foo
> Mon Mar 15 17:40:10 2004: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to x.x.x.x port 2101 ....
> Code: Access-Accept
> Identifier: 64
> Authentic: 1079332822
> Attributes:
> Reply-Message = "rejected for some reason"
> Service-Type = Framed-User
> Framed-Protocol = PPP
> Framed-IP-Netmask =
> Here is the cliCheck code (sorry, its a big ugly..) - the db query
> itself seems to work fine though.
> # -*- mode: Perl -*-
> #
> sub
> {
> my $p = ${$_[0]};
> my $rp = ${$_[1]};
> my $cli = $p->get_attr('Calling-Station-Id');
> my $uname = $p->get_attr('User-Name');
> return if ($p->code ne 'Access-Request');
> &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG,qq[PreAuth cliCheck(): checking
> $uname / $cli]);
> my $dbh = DBI->connect(
> qq[DBI:mysql:radius:localhost],'dbluser','dbpass' )
> or die &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG,qq[PreAuth
> cliCheck(): $DBI::errstr\n]);
> my $sql = qq[select USERNAME,CALLERID,COMMENTS from
> RADBLOCKS where CALLERID = \'$cli\' or
> USERNAME=\'$uname'];
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute;
> while (my @r = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
> if (@r) {
> my ($u, $r, $c) = @r;
> &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG,qq[PreAuth
> cliCheck(): block exists for $cli or $uname]);
> $rp->set_code('Access-Reject');
> <--- unsure about below here
> $rp->change_attr('Reply-Message', $c);a
> $p->{Client}->replyTo($p);
> }
> }
> $dbh->disconnect;
> return;
> Any help is appreciated,
> Deano.
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?
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