Jason Godsey radiator at corp.fidalgo.net
Fri Mar 12 18:52:14 CST 2004

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Erich Zigler" <erich at superheronetworks.com>
Date:  Thu, 11 Mar 2004 15:58:04 -0600

><AuthLog SQL>
>        Identifier AuthLoggerSQL
>        DBSource        dbi:mysql:radiator
>        DBUsername      radiator
>        DBAuth          xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>        Table           RADAUTHLOG
>        SuccessQuery insert into RADAUTHLOG (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME, TYPE,
> BADPASSWORD) values (%t, '%n', 1, %1, 1)

If I understand correctly, there isn't generally a reason on Success queries, maybe you could use (%t, '%n', 1, '', 1) if not null is enforced on REASON.

Beyond that, you have TYPE and BADPASSWORD simply 1?  How do you differentiate between them (GOOD/BAD Logins)?

>        FailureQuery insert into RADAUTHLOG (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME, TYPE,

> BADPASSWORD) values (%t, '%n', 0, %1, %3)
>FailureQuery works, however SuccessQuery doesn't.
>Any ideas?
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