(RADIATOR) Re: [wesley.hof at scarlet.biz: Ignored packets]

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Mar 5 01:51:03 CST 2004

Hello Wesley -

We have replied to this question before.

"radstock" is looking at the raw interface before the operating system 
puts the requests on the UDP queue.

If Radiator is not seeing the requests it is because the operating 
system could not put them on the queue.

You should check your operating system statistics to see how many UDP 
queue overflows are happening.



On 5 Mar 2004, at 18:23, Wesley Hof wrote:

> Hi.
> I have a problem with radiator and Redback.
> I have a redback with a lot of customers on it, sending accounting to 
> a single radiator
> box (Radius accounting instance only)
> For some reason radiator won't process all the accounting packets sent 
> by the redback.
> There is nothing wrong with my config because most of them get 
> processed.
> I'm sure its a radiator problem because I see the lost packets on my 
> interface
> (radstock), so it can't be a udp buffering problem.
> So I see a packet on the interface, but radiator doesn't process it. 
> Did someone
> have this problem before ?
> Thanks in advance.
> W.
> --
> (o_  Wesley Hof
> //\  UNIX System Engineer
> V_/_ UNInet ))) A Scarlet Company
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
> (o_  Wesley Hof
> //\  UNIX System Engineer
> V_/_ UNInet ))) A Scarlet Company

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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