(RADIATOR) radiator instances not logging to single file, more clues

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Jun 22 02:56:42 CDT 2004

Hello Tariq -

Yes this is due to the way the initialisation process is done, which 
precedes the command line option processing.

You will get a few lines written to the log location before the command 
line options are processed and logging switches to the specified 
location. There is no easy answer to this other than to have different 
configuration files.



On 21 Jun 2004, at 21:13, Tariq Rashid wrote:

> as discussed last week, when setting up separate radiator 
> installations in
> different directories (eg /opt/rad1, /opt/rad2, etc), a problem i cam 
> across
> was that the radiator server would not override the log file location 
> (as
> specified in a radius.cfg file) properly when this was supplied as a 
> command
> line parameter. the ref manual suggests it should.
> what was happening was that 2 log files were beign created, the 
> standard one
> at
> 	/var/log/radius/radiator/xxxx
> and also the local one, eg
> 	/opt/radiator38/var/log/radiator/xxxx
> closer inspection shows different items being writtent to these files. 
> does
> this help anyone find why this is happening? perhaps different 
> log/trace
> levels are being writtent to different locations?
> when a radius request is processed, again, it is written to one of the
> locations (the correct local one). thus the incorrect file,a lthough
> created, is not written to further. why is this created?
> the start-up log is presented below.
> tariq
> ---------------------------------------
> cat  /var/log/radius/radiator/2004-06-21.log
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:07 2004: ERR: Could not resolve an address for Client
> fa1-3-4.tnt-23-pstn.access.easynet.net
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:07 2004: DEBUG: Reclaiming expired leases
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:07 2004: DEBUG: do query is: 'update RADPOOL set 
> where STATE!=0 and EXPIRY < 1087815847':
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-search-hook.pl' for parameter 
> PostSearchHook: No
> such file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-search-hook-mia.pl' for parameter 
> PostSearchHook:
> No such file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-auth-hook.pl' for parameter PostAuthHook: 
> No such
> file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-auth-hook.pl' for parameter PostAuthHook: 
> No such
> file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-auth-hook.pl' for parameter PostAuthHook: 
> No such
> file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-auth-hook.pl' for parameter PostAuthHook: 
> No such
> file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-auth-hook.pl' for parameter PostAuthHook: 
> No such
> file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-auth-hook.pl' for parameter PostAuthHook: 
> No such
> file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: ERR: Could not open file
> '/usr/local/etc/raddb/post-auth-hook.pl' for parameter PostAuthHook: 
> No such
> file or directory
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: DEBUG: Finished reading configuration file
> '/opt/radiator38/etc/radius.cfg'
>  cat  var/log/radius/radiator/2004-06-21.log
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file
> '/opt/radiator38/etc/raddb/dictionary'
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: DEBUG: Creating authentication port 
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: DEBUG: Creating accounting port
> Mon Jun 21 12:04:08 2004: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 3.8 on
> havelock.auth.easynet.net
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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