(RADIATOR) multiple <Log FILE>

Lengacher Stefan Stefan.Lengacher at weroam.com
Fri Jun 18 05:09:56 CDT 2004


I'm an absolute newbie on Radiator. I just began working at weroam in switzerland a couple of weeks ago and am already playing around with your really good looking tool. Therefore i apologize if i ask stupid questions ;-)

Here we go:

What we're exactly trying to do:
We want different Logfiles for different Realms.

What i've found out:
We can use <Log FILE> for this.

The Problem i reflect now is:
I've defined two <Log FILE> parts with different Identifiers and a LogFile for logging everything and logging the realms that do not define a Log param. In the Realm parts, i then set Log to the according one. Unfortunately it does not Log correctly.

The config:
LogDir          /var/log/radius
DbDir           /etc/raddb
LogFile         %L/logfile_proxy_auth

Trace 4

<Log FILE>
        Identifier lemylogger
        Filename %L/lemy_logfile_proxy_auth
        Trace 4

<Log FILE>
        Identifier wetestlogger
        Filename %L/wetest_logfile_proxy_auth
        Trace 4

<Realm lemy.ch>
     <AuthBy RADIUS>
             Host <snipped out>
             Secret <snipped out>
             AuthPort <snipped out>
             AcctPort <snipped out>
      Log lemylogger

<Realm wetest.ch>
     <AuthBy RADIUS>
             Host <snipped out>
             Secret <snipped out>
             AuthPort <snipped out>
             AcctPort <snipped out>
      Log wetestlogger

When i now do a radpwtst once with realm wetest.ch and once with real lemy.ch then in both cases i see the log-trace in logfile_proxy_auth and lemy_logfile_proxy_auth. But nothing in wetest_logfile_proxy_auth

Is that because i defined both <Log FILE> globally and they get therefore overwritten? This would be a bit exhausting when i have to define each <Log FILE> inside every Realm definition.
Are there any other possiblities to do this (even easyier)?


Stefan Lengacher
Project & Testing Manager


TOGEWAnet AG / P.O. Box / Nussbaumstrasse 25
CH-3000 Bern 22 / Switzerland
tel. +41 31 341 10 20
direct: +41 31 341 1126
fax: +41 31 341 10 21 
mobile: +41 79 483 8422
Stefan.Lengacher at weroam.com 
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