(RADIATOR) Problems with PostSearchHook in AuthLDAP2

Vangelis Kyriakakis vkyriak at forthnet.gr
Thu Jun 10 11:54:03 CDT 2004


      I'm using the following configuration:

<AuthBy LDAP2>
    AuthAttrDef     FTServiceId,ServiceId,request
    PostSearchHook file:"%D/test.pl"

        my $attr = $_[4]->get('FTerviceId');
        print "get attribute $attr\n";

What I'm trying to do is to get the value of the ServiceId which is 5
(From the Trace 4: DEBUG: LDAP got FTServiceId: 5)

but I always get
get attribute ARRAY(0x737894)

Which is the correct way to get the answer? I looked in the hooks.txt 
and in some previous mails in the list but I cannot get the correct result.

                          Vangelis Kyriakakis
                           Forthnet S.A.

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