(RADIATOR) install radiator to a separate /opt directory

Tariq Rashid tariq.rashid at uk.easynet.net
Tue Jun 8 08:58:27 CDT 2004

i'd like to install a copy of radiator to its own self-contained directory.
for example, most C based applications can be built with a ./configure
--prefix=/opt/app123 and i'd like a similar partitioning for radiator. 

if i do a
	PREFIX=/opt/radiator38 perl Makefile.PL
then although it installs fine, it doesn't find the perl modules required
(which are now in /opt/radiator38/lib).

if i run it from the source directory (which is a possibility suggested by
the Ref Manual), then the default config files are not found.

I know i could convolute it by setting -config-file=??/ etc but i'd like to
be able to set the defaukt config and logging locations to the /opt/radiator

this is for a test server so it is important that some of the less
radiator-aware users are able to kill and restart radiator and for it to
read and write files from the /opt hierarchy?

i;'d appreciate help on this.


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