Riza Kamalie riza at worldonline.co.za
Wed Jun 2 10:17:30 CDT 2004


We currently use a separate handler to deal with accounting stop records
and I am having a problem with reading in LDAP attributes into a 
custom auth module <AuthXXXX>, I believe have defined the attributes in
the auth module correctly that are used in the config file namely

below is the handler for the stop record and snippet of the test code. 

I would like to manipulate a stop record attribute based on what I find
in LDAP for a user.

Please assist,

<Handler Acct-Status-Type = "Stop">

        # Convert Upper to lower case
        # Removes all spaces
        # Rewrites only username for username with forward/backslash

        RewriteUsername      tr/A-Z/a-z/
        RewriteUsername      s/\s+//g

        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

       <AuthBy LDAP2>
                Host            eldap.worldonline.co.za

                # if ldap search fails backoff for 30 seconds
                FailureBackoffTime 30

                # Added so that Radiator does not have to bind on every
                # NoBindBeforeOp

                AuthDN uid=xxxx,ou=xxxx,o=WOL,c=xxx
                AuthPassword unlink

                BaseDN ou=xxx,ou=users,o=xxx,c=xxx

                UsernameAttr    uid
                AuthAttrDef radiusauthentication,LDAP_test,reply
                AuthAttrDef radiusprepaidvalue,testing,reply

        <AuthBy XXXXX>
                PrepaidValue   %{testing}
        </AuthBy XXXXX>


AuthXXXXX <snippet>
   elsif ($p->code eq 'Accounting-Request')

        print "\n\nacccccccccccounting\n\n";

if ($p->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::ACCT_STATUS_TYPE) eq 'Stop')
        my @a;
        my $old_item;
        my $test;


        print "LDAP: @a\n";
        print "In request: $old_item\n";
        print "Prep: $test\n";

        $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Radius::AuthWOLPrepaidAccounting
        return ($main::ACCEPT);


Radiator foreground output

/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/radiusd -config_file ./radius-tiscali.cfg


In request: analogue
Prep: <EMPTY>

Riza Kamalie
Engineering: Specialist: Authentication


082 Alexander Road, Bellville 
Mobile : +27 82 520 1129
Office :  021 940 9954
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E-Mail : Riza.Kamalie at za.tiscali.com

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