(RADIATOR) User authentication problem

Peter Lindeman peter.lindeman at tpa-nl.com
Thu Jul 29 05:54:01 CDT 2004

Hugh Irvine wrote:

> The debug output does not appear to correspond with what you show for  
> the configuration.
> Could I please see your complete configuration file and a more complete  
> trace 4 debug from startup?
> In general if the PASSWORD is NULL anything will be accepted.
> BTW - have you restarted Radiator since changing the configuration file?

Hmm, I perhaps have gotten the wrong part from the log. I now clear the 
log and use the config as we want to use it. I have attached bot the log 
as our configuration attached to this message.

The password used for the accepted session is definitly not the correct 
one. In fact I can choose whatever password on the client and it is 



Peter Lindeman
TPA traffic & parking automation bv
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