(RADIATOR) Vendor specific attributes and sub-attributes.

Chandrashekar, Kiran kchandrashekar at ThinkEngine.Net
Tue Jul 27 17:14:53 CDT 2004


I have a question regarding vendor-specific attributes - Can I define
ONE attribute which can contain sub-attributes?

Currently, I have defined 7 attributes in the following order.

ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR1		  28 string XXX
ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR2          29 string XXX
ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR3    		30  integer XXX
ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR4	      31 integer XXX
ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR5              32 integer XXX
ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR6                33 integer XXX
ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR7           34 integer XXX

But, Can I define one VSA which will include all the above? 

How will the dictionary file look like then? 
What changes do I need to make to users logging into the file?

Any help is appreciated.
Kiran Chandrashekar
ThinkEngine Networks, Inc.
100 Nickerson Road
Marlboro, MA  01752
Direct:  508-597-0461

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