(RADIATOR) TACACS+ user-changeable password/password aging

Nicolai van der Smagt nicolai.vandersmagt at bbned.nl
Wed Jul 21 07:14:09 CDT 2004


Cisco's implementation of TACACS+ has the feature that when users enter
their loginname and an empty password at the router's prompt, they are
prompted to enter a new password. This password is then entered in the
user database as new TACACS+ password for this user.
Another feature is that password aging is supported, with prompts from
the router after successful login when your password is close to aging,
something like "Your password will expire in 12 hours, 3 minutes, 18

These are likely Cisco's private extensions to TACACS+, but is there any
chance that they will be implemented in ServerTACACSPLUS in the (near)

Nicolai van der Smagt	~	  BBned NV.
Security Officer	~	BBeyond BV.
PGP ~ http://www.bbned.nl/pgp/security.txt

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