(RADIATOR) Ascend-Data-Filter vs VENDORATTR 529 Ascend-Data-Filter

Jon Lewis jlewis at lewis.org
Tue Jul 20 17:18:21 CDT 2004

I'm having some issues with cisco access-servers not accepting
Ascend-Data-Filters.  They give me an error "RADIUS: unrecognized Vendor
code 529".  A cisco TAC person has suggested that the radius server is
sending the Ascend-Data-Filters as Ascend VSA's (thus the 529) rather than
just attribute 242.  I see our dictionary has Ascend-Data-Filter twice:

# Radiator understands abinary, but if you are just
# forwarding abinary attributes, use string instead

ATTRIBUTE       Ascend-Data-Filter              242     abinary
ATTRIBUTE       Ascend-Call-Filter              243     abinary
#ATTRIBUTE      Ascend-Data-Filter              242     string
#ATTRIBUTE      Ascend-Call-Filter              243     string
ATTRIBUTE       Ascend-Idle-Limit               244     integer
ATTRIBUTE       Ascend-Preempt-Limit            245     integer
...then much later in the file...
VENDORATTR      529     Ascend-Data-Filter              242     abinary

Is there a simple change that would cause radiator to not send these as
529's but just as plain 242's?  Can I just comment out the later
VENDORATTR version from the dictionary?

AFAIK, we had this working with our older radiator servers, which I've
just noticed used an older dictionary that didn't have the Ascend
VENDORATTR 529 section.

How bad an idea would it be to rename the old Ascend-Data-Filter
attribute Old-Ascend-Data-Filter and use Old-Ascend-Data-Filter in our

 Jon Lewis                   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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