(RADIATOR) Log message

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jul 7 17:59:48 CDT 2004

Hello Peter -

This is a vendor specific attribute (vendor 10923).

Here is the vendor number:

   Ericsson Juniper Networks Mobile IP Inc.
     Jonas Bjurel
       jonasb at ejnmobileip.com



I suggest you check with Ericsson Juniper and when you find out what 
these vendor specific definitions are, please send us a copy so we can 
include them in the standard Radiator dictionary.



On 7 Jul 2004, at 19:31, Peter Lindeman wrote:

> Hello,
> I find the following message in the radiator logfile :
> Wed Jul  7 09:28:18 2004: ERR: Attribute number 14 (vendor 10923) is 
> not defined in your dictionary
> I guess something is wrong with the dictionary but what exactly? When 
> I look up attribute 14 in the dictionary it is there and says
> ATTRIBUTE	Login-IP-Host			14	ipaddr
> Anybody?
> -- 
> Peter Lindeman
> TPA traffic & parking automation bv
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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