(RADIATOR) Integer8 and AcctInsertQuery

Herman verschooten H.verschooten at webvisie.net
Tue Jul 6 03:01:50 CDT 2004

I am having a small problem... I am trying to execute a stored procedure
using AcctSQLStatement as such
AcctSQLStatement exec AddSession
Now I have 2 problems... First, If there is not Accounting information
Radiator just blanks it out, second these values are in a hexidecimal
format (0x01234) which SQL does not convert to a numeric value.
So I tried to use the AcctInsertQuery but how can I define which column
comes where in my statement if I use AcctColumnDef ?
AccountingTable TEST
AcctColumnDef    AcctSessionID, Acct-Session-Id
AcctColumnDef    CallDate, Timestamp, integer
AcctColumnDef    Username, User-Name
AcctColumnDef    AcctInputOctets,Acct-Input-Octets, integer
AcctColumnDef    AcctOutputOctets,Acct-Output-Octets, integer
AcctColumnDef    AcctInputOctets,RB-Acct-Input-Octets-64, integer
AcctColumnDef    AcctOutputOctets,RB-Acct-Output-Octets-64, integer
AcctInsertQuery exec AddSession %2
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