Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Jul 5 17:08:20 CDT 2004

Hello Fred -

On 6 Jul 2004, at 04:54, Fred Leeflang wrote:

> BTW, will Radiator keep track of lines it can't put in
> the database somehow and send them when the database
> comes online again?

No. Although you can configure an AcctFailedLogFileName (section 
6.28.19 in the Radiator 3.9 reference manual "doc/ref.html").

Radiator itself does not try to reapply the database updates.

> Also, if the database server is
> down, will there be significant delays in radiator
> somewhere when it starts trying to connect to the
> database again? (I downed my mysql server remotely
> by assigning it another IP and forgetting about the
> damned firewall rules)

Radiator will try to connect again after "FailureBackoffTime" number of 
seconds and will wait for "Timeout" number of seconds for a successful 
connection. See sections 6.28.4 and 6.28.5 in the manual.



NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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