(RADIATOR) Error in AddressAllocator SQL

William Hernandez whr at essnet.com
Fri Jan 16 09:26:01 CST 2004

Hello everyone,

I'm getting an error with the following cfg.  Note that the same
DBSource,DBUsername,DBAuth works fine in all of my AuthBy SQL
clauses. Note also that the connection to the fallback mysql
database works fine.

-------------- snippet from radius.cfg ---------
<AddressAllocator SQL>
    Identifier dslpool1-IPallocator

    DBSource        dbi:Sybase:database=myradius
    DBUsername      *
    DBAuth          *
    DBSource        dbi:mysql:myradius:www.prw.net
    DBUsername      *
    DBAuth          *

    # 30 days = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 = 2592000 seconds
    DefaultLeasePeriod     2592000
    #LeaseReclaimInterval 86400

    <AddressPool dslpool1>

------------ snippet from radius foreground ------------
DBI connect('database=myradius','*',...) failed: (no error
string) at /usr/li
b/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Radius/SqlDb.pm line 110
Fri Jan 16 11:05:01 2004: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database
with DBI->conne
ct dbi:Sybase:database=myradius, *, *:
Fri Jan 16 11:05:10 2004: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file
Fri Jan 16 11:05:10 2004: DEBUG: Creating authentication port
Fri Jan 16 11:05:10 2004: DEBUG: Creating accounting port
Fri Jan 16 11:05:10 2004: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 3.7.1
on www.prw.net

Please advise,

William Hernández
Radiator 3.7.1
RH 9 Kernel 2.4.20-20.9smp
Perl 5.8.0
TotalControl HiPerArc

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