(RADIATOR) IPV6 support added

Wim Biemolt Wim.Biemolt at surfnet.nl
Tue Feb 17 17:11:11 CST 2004

On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 12:19:16PM +1100, Mike McCauley wrote:

> Thanks for reporting this.
> We have made a change so that IPV4 addresses received over IPV6 are treated 
> exactly as they were before. It is available in the 3.8 patches area.

Thanks for the patch. It fixed my problem. On what platforms does
Radiator support IPv6 transport? After the successful upgrade on
a FreeBSD based server I was less successful on Solaris 8 :-(

  The STDERR output was Socket6::inet_pton not implemented on this
  architecture at /usr/local/bin/radiusd line 474.


-Wim -/- SURFnet
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