(RADIATOR) Private Attribute radius

Julio Cesar Pinto jc at ifxcorp.com
Wed Dec 22 18:30:26 CST 2004


I would like to know, if is possible include in my dictionary a private
attribute. Something likes that:

ATTRIBUTE       Test                689             integer
ATTRIBUTE       Conn-Stat		690             integer
ATTRIBUTE       Visp-Id   		691             string
ATTRIBUTE       Country-Id          692             string

I know that I can :) the machine is my slave, but the idea is that these
attribute to be recognized by radiator, because at the moment I receive
the following error:

Wed Dec 22 18:28:33 2004: WARNING: Invalid reply item Visp-Id ignored
Wed Dec 22 18:28:33 2004: WARNING: Invalid reply item Country-Id ignored

When the packet pass through AuthBy RADIUS 

I appreciate any comments.

Thanks in advance,


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