(RADIATOR) TotalControlSNMP OID Question.

Jay Pike jay.pike at corecomm.com
Tue Dec 21 11:35:23 CST 2004

Hello All,

	We've just upgraded to new USR/3COM Total Control code on a part
of our network, and have noticed a significant OID change, and
computation changes.

	Under our older versions, the OIDs that Radiator would use
snmpget to check would be like:


But, the new version seems to dump out:


I don't know how its generating these long strings, or how to fix the
'TotalControlSNMP.pm' file to use these new strings....



 /                                                                    \
|       James J. Pike Jr.         Phone: 888.747.4638                  |
|       Systems Engineer          Direct Phone: 517-664-8610           |
|       CoreComm Inc.             Http: http://www.core.com/           |
|                EMail: jay.pike at corecomm.com                          |
|         PGPKey: http://my.voyager.net/jaypike/pgpkey.txt             |
 \                                                                    /

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