(RADIATOR) ContinueWhileReject: but not for ExpirationDate failures

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Aug 25 21:04:22 CDT 2004

Hello Dave -

A more generally useful approach would be something like this:

# define Realm or Handler

<Handler ....>

	AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

	<AuthBy ...>

	<AuthBy ....>


The above of course assumes that you are not using DEFAULT entries in 
your AuthBy clauses.

Please let me know how you get on.



On 26 Aug 2004, at 01:01, Dave Kitabjian wrote:

> Hello!
> We have a “ContinueWhileReject” AuthByPolicy setup in place. We have 
> it set up because we have two groups of users with an overlapping set 
> of login names. But we assume they won’t also have matching passwords, 
> so the system should work fine, as it has for a couple years now.
> However, we also collect the Reject Reason for our techs to debug 
> with. And the problem we just noticed is that if someone fails the 
> first AUTH because of Expiration Date failure, it still fails over to 
> the next AUTH. This in itself isn’t really a problem because they will 
> almost certainly fail this second AUTH, too. But the Reject Reason 
> that goes back is the one from the LAST AUTH, which will be “no such 
> user” or “bad password” where the real reason they failed was because 
> the first AUTH had “Expiration date has passed”.
> Still with me?
> So it would be nice if we could have something like an AuthByPolicy of:
> ContinueWhileRejectIfBadPasswordOrNoUser
> or conversely
> ContinueWhileRejectUnlessPastExpirationDate
> That way it doesn’t unnecessarily look for a match in the second AUTH 
> and it preserves the reason for rejection. I’m assuming, of course, 
> that Radiator doesn’t check the Exp Date until both the Login and 
> Password check out successfully.
> Is there a way to do this without jumping through lots of hoops? 
> Anyone else think this is a good idea?
> Thanks!
> Dave

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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