(RADIATOR) NAS IP check within a realm

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Aug 25 17:17:48 CDT 2004

Hello Judy -

Try something like this:

<Realm gem>
        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

       AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

       <AuthBy FILE>
             Filename %D/check.nas

        <AuthBy RADIUS>
                Host a.domain
                Secret xxxxx
        # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
        AcctLogFileName %L/detail

The contents of the file check.nas (in the directory pointed to by %D) 
would look like this:

# reject, accept everything else

DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address =, Auth-Type = Reject
DEFAULT Auth-Type = Accept

Hope that helps.



On 26 Aug 2004, at 07:19, Judy Angel wrote:

> The following realm works fine.
> I would like to add a check to say that if the NAS-IP-ADDRESS is NOT = 
>, carry on with the AuthBy otherwise return an error.
> Is that possible, in a realm or a handler ?
> Thanks
> Judy Angel
> University of Hertfordshire
> <Realm gem>
>        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
>        <AuthBy RADIUS>
>                Host a.domain
>                Secret xxxxx
>        </AuthBy>
>        # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
>        AcctLogFileName %L/detail
> </Realm>
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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