(RADIATOR) SessionDatabase question

Fred Leeflang f.leeflang at hva.nl
Wed Aug 25 03:34:11 CDT 2004


I tried to make radiator log it's session database in MySQL using:

<SessionDatabase SQL>
   Identifier SessionSQL
   DBSource DBI:mysql:database=usertracking
   DBUsername uertracking
   DBAuth xxxxx

<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request, NAS-IP-Address=a.b.c.d>
       AuthBy SQLAccounting
       SessionDatabase SessionSQL

This seems to work, with one irritating side effect.

mysql> desc RADONLINE;
| Field           | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| USERNAME        | varchar(50) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| NASIDENTIFIER   | varchar(50) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| NASPORT         | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| ACCTSESSIONID   | varchar(30) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| TIME_STAMP      | datetime    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| FRAMEDIPADDRESS | varchar(22) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| NASPORTTYPE     | varchar(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| SERVICETYPE     | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

I have modified the TIME_STAMP from the column type specified in 
This is also the column that gives weird results (no surprise there is 
Radiator believes it's
an integer column, but when I had it an int column it did not work at 
all, I got NULL's
in the column)

Either way, my goal is to make this timestamp column identical to what I 
have in
the RAD_ACCOUNTING table, which I specified like this:

<AuthBy SQL>
   DateFormat %Y-%m-%d %X
   Identifier SQLAccounting
   DBSource DBI:mysql:database=usertracking
   DBUsername usertracking
   DBAuth xxxxx
   AccountingTable RAD_ACCOUNTING
   HandleAcctStatusTypes Start,Alive,Stop
   AcctColumnDef USERNAME,User-Name
   AcctColumnDef TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer-date
   AcctColumnDef ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
   AcctColumnDef ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
   AcctColumnDef ACCTINPUTOCT,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
   AcctColumnDef ACCTOUTPUTOCT,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
   AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
   AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
   AcctColumnDef ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause
   AcctColumnDef NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
   AcctColumnDef NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
   AcctColumnDef NASIPADDRESS,NAS-IP-Address
   AcctColumnDef CALLEDSTATIONID,Called-Station-Id
   AcctColumnDef CALLINGSTATIONID,Calling-Station-Id

With this table structure:

mysql> desc RAD_ACCOUNTING;

| Field              | Type      | Null | Key | Default             | 
Extra          |

| id                 | int(11)   |      | PRI | NULL                | 
auto_increment |
| USERNAME           | char(32)  | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| TIME_STAMP         | datetime  |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 
|                |
| ACCTSTATUSTYPE     | char(32)  | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| ACCTDELAYTIME      | int(11)   | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| ACCTINPUTOCT       | int(11)   | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| ACCTOUTPUTOCT      | int(11)   | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| ACCTSESSIONID      | char(32)  | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| ACCTSESSTIME       | int(11)   | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| ACCTTERMINATECAUSE | char(128) | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| NASIDENTIFIER      | char(64)  | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| NASPORT            | int(11)   | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| NASIPADDRESS       | char(16)  | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| CALLEDSTATIONID    | char(18)  | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |
| CALLINGSTATIONID   | char(18)  | YES  |     | NULL                
|                |

Is there anything I need to specify in the SessionDatabase section that 
will make Radiator
put the time stamp correctly in a datetime format in the RADONLINE table?


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