(RADIATOR) Re: how to reject START

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Aug 24 17:00:20 CDT 2004

Hello -

The answer to this depends somewhat on what else you are doing in your 
configuration file.

Here is one way:

<Handler Acct-Status-Type = Stop>
	# deal with stops

	# deal with everything else

You can also do something similar in your AuthBy SQL clause:

	<AuthBy SQL>
		# deal with stops only
		HandleAcctStatusTypes Stop



On 24 Aug 2004, at 20:54, Mohammad Junaid wrote:

> Hi,
> Our NAS is sending Start and Stop packets, due to this reason we have 
> two records every time a users connects and then disconnects . We want 
> only one record (CDR) for each user who connects and then disconnects. 
> Due to debugging requirement we cannot stop NAS to generate START 
> packet, therefore we want radiator to ignore START packet and only 
> accept STOP packet. How we can achieve this.
> Mohammad Junaid

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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