(RADIATOR) 190 back-off delay after a peak inrequest rate - cause?

Tariq Rashid tariq.rashid at uk.easynet.net
Tue Apr 27 05:10:37 CDT 2004

i've been looking at radiator "detail file" logs ... and especially at periods when the request rate spikes.

i've found that after a spike (from the normal 1/2 requests per second per loadbalanced radius server at 85% of the time) up to over 10 requests per second,  there appears to be a 190 seconds delay before further requests are processed.

what could this be? the configuration files don't specifically configure a 190 (or more likely 180 = 3*60) second back-off from another backend service?

does anyone have any experience of this? would it be the default LDAP or MySQL back-off time?

or perhaps its a lower level TCP or UDP queue timeout?

if i can narrow down to what service is failing, if it is a back-off, then i can then look at beefing up that backend...

thanks in advance

tariq rashid

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