(RADIATOR) AddToReply tagged-integer/string syntax question

Michael Ting sting at boulder.nist.gov
Wed Apr 7 11:35:43 CDT 2004

  The same message sent out two days ago doesn't seem to go through.
Therefore, I am sending it again hopefully to receive some help. So
far, I couldn't get Cisco Cat4006 to change its VLAN# by the radiator.
That's why I would like to make sure the syntax being correct first.

  Does the AddToReply syntax below look right, anyone?   Thanks!

<Realm /dot1x/i>
        AcctLogFileName         %L/detail
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename %D/dot1x_users
                EAPType MD5-Challenge
        AddToReply      Tunnel-Type="\000VLAN",
        AddToReply      Tunnel-Medium-Type="\000802",
        AddToReply      Tunnel-Private-Group-Id="\000VLAN0252"
        AuthLog myauthlogger


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Ting [mailto:sting at boulder.nist.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 12:10 PM
To: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: AddToReply tagged-integer/string syntax question

-------------------from Cisco Configuring CatOS 802.1x
In order for the 802.1x VLAN assignment using a RADIUS server to successfully
the RADIUS server must return the following three RFC 2868 attributes back to
authenticator (the Cisco switch to which the host attaches):

[64] Tunnel-Type = VLAN
[65] Tunnel-Medium-Type = 802
[81] Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = VLAN NAME
Attribute [64] must contain the value "VLAN" (type 13). Attribute [65] must
the value "802" (type 6). Attribute [81] specifies the VLAN name in which the
successfully authenticated 802.1x host should be put.

  Does the AddToReply syntax below look right, anyone?   Thanks!

<Realm /dot1x/i>
        AcctLogFileName         %L/detail
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename %D/dot1x_users
                EAPType MD5-Challenge
        AddToReply      Tunnel-Type="\000VLAN"
        AddToReply      Tunnel-Medium-Type="\000802"
        AddToReply      Tunnel-Private-Group-Id="\000VLAN0252"
        AuthLog myauthlogger


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