(RADIATOR) multiple scripts to be executed in PostAuthHook

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Sep 24 01:04:49 CDT 2003

Hello Benny -

You can only specify a single file name, but the file itself can 
contain multiple functions and subroutines.

Otherwise you can use any other Perl modules that have been installed 
in Perl, or your hook code could also load other files (like Radiator 
itself does). Or you could write your own custom AuthBy module to do 
everything you require.

There are some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt".



On Wednesday, Sep 24, 2003, at 13:38 Australia/Melbourne, Benny Chee 

> hi,
> 	posible to execute multiple scripts for PostAuthHook, so that i can 
> store different functions on different scripts for easy management?
> 	eg: PostAuthHook "file:checkuser.pl,caller.pl"
> 	if not, any alternative?
> benny
> ===
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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