(RADIATOR) Global MySQL timeout ?

Ingvar Bjarnason ingvarbj at centrum.is
Tue Sep 23 08:33:26 CDT 2003

Hi all,

    It seems to me when Radiator connects to MySQL that if one handler has
trouble connecting to the db (locked table etc) and times out thereby
flagging the db down for a set timeout period, all other handlers, authby´s
og authlogs using the same db will flag the db down as well.   It´s like
there is a global timeout.    Anyone else seen this happen ?    I'm still
looking into this btw. so I may be wrong.    If true this has the
unfortunate side effect that if you for example temporarily lock a table a
specific handler is using the whole db is marked offline.

    Best regards,

Ingvar Bjarnason
Data division
Iceland Telecom

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