(RADIATOR) How to configure Radiator to work with Cisco PEAP (Generic token)?

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sat Sep 20 04:43:46 CDT 2003

Hello Bostjan -

I suspect the problem occured earlier in the log file and there is 
probably a prerequisite Perl module missing.

You should check the messages in the log file from startup on.



On Friday, Sep 19, 2003, at 17:46 Australia/Melbourne, Bostjan Lemut 

> Hello!
> I am relativelly new to wireless and 802.1x authentication. Colegue of 
> mine left for another job and I was given the "wireless" project with 
> practically no knowledge of what to do.
> In Radiator 3.6 Instalation and Reference Manual I've read, the LEAP 
> and Generic token EAP types are not supported, but then again, they 
> are supported in patch for Radiator 3.6. So far I've successfully 
> tried the LEAP authentication and it works fine, but that was easy. 
> I've tried the goodie for the PEAP type with changing the inner 
> protocol from MSCHAP-V2 to Generic-Token, but it does not seem to 
> work. I've also searched the mailing list archives and FAQs, but it 
> seems nobody tried or had problems using Cisco PEAP (Generic Token). 
> Please, give me some pointers or  better yet, working example:-)
> I'm using Cisco ap Aironet 1100, Cisco Aironet 340 WLAN adapter and 
> Radiator 3.6 with patch, running radiusd as a user.
> Regards,
> Bostjan Lemut,
> Radiator 3.6 log insert:
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from {Cisco AP IP} port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 19
> Authentic:  S<213>\?|<203><205><253><238><162>W<140>1<190><139><251>
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "PEAP-00409649152D"
>         Framed-MTU = 1400
>         Called-Station-Id = "0002.8a9e.5739"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "0040.9649.152d"
>         Message-Authenticator = 
> /(&D<30>`<130>?<157><22><171>!<226><152>E<219>
>         EAP-Message = <2><1><0><22><1>PEAP-00409649152D
>         NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
>         NAS-Port = 265
>         NAS-IP-Address = {Cisco AP IP}
>         NAS-Identifier = "ap"
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler ''
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: DEBUG:  Deleting session for 
> PEAP-00409649152D,, 265
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 1, 22
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: DEBUG: Response type 1
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: ERR: Could not handle an EAP request: Can't 
> locate object method "response_identity" via package "Radius::EAP_25" 
> (perhaps you forgot to load "Radius::EAP_25"?) at 
> /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Radius/EAP.pm line 142.
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: INFO: Access rejected for PEAP-00409649152D: 
> Could not handle an EAP request
> Wed Sep 17 12:39:56 2003: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to {Cisco AP IP} port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Reject
> Identifier: 19
> Authentic:  S<213>\?|<203><205><253><238><162>W<140>1<190><139><251>
> Attributes:
>         Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
> radius.cfg:
> # radius.cfg
> # Set this to the directory where your logfile and details file are to 
> go
> LogDir /opt/home/bostjan/var/log/radius
> # Set this to the database directory. It should contain these files:
> # users           The user database
> # dictionary      The dictionary for your NAS
> DbDir /opt/home/bostjan/etc/raddb
> Trace 4
> AuthPort 1645,1812
> AcctPort 1646,1813
> BindAddress {Radius server IP},
> # This clause defines a single client to listen to
> <Client DEFAULT>
>         IgnoreAcctSignature
>         Secret  skritogeslo
>         DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> # For testing: this allows us to honour requests from radpwtst
> # on the same host.
> <Client localhost>
>         IgnoreAcctSignature
>         Secret mysecret
>         DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> # For testing: this allows us to honour requests from radpwtst
> # on the same host.
> <Client localhost>
>         IgnoreAcctSignature
>         Secret mysecret
>         DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> # This is where we autneticate a PEAP inner request, which will be an 
> # request. The username of the inner request will be anonymous, 
> although
> # the identity of the EAP request will be the real username we are
> # trying to authenticate.
> <Handler TunnelledByPEAP=1>
>         <AuthBy FILE>
>                 # anonymous-PEAP must be in here:
>                 Filename %D/users
>                 # This tells the PEAP client what types of inner EAP 
> requests
>                 # we will honour
>                 #EAPType MSCHAP-V2
>                 EAPType Generic-Token
>         </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> # The original PEAP request from a NAS will be sent to a matching
> # Realm or Handler in the usual way, where it will be unpacked and the 
> inner authentication
> # extracted.
> # The inner authentication request will be sent again to a matching
> # Realm or Handler. The special check item TunnelledByPEAP=1 can be 
> used to select
> # a specific handler, or else you can use EAPAnonymous to set a 
> username and realm
> # which can be used to select a Realm clause for the inner request.
> # This allows you to select an inner authentication method based on 
> Realm, and/or the
> # fact that they were tunnelled. You can therfore act just as a PEAP 
> server, or also
> # act as the AAA/H home server, and authenticate PEAP requests locally 
> or proxy
> # them to another remote server based on the realm of the inner 
> authenticaiton request.
> # In this basic example, both the inner and outer authentication are 
> authenticated
> # from a file by AuthBy FILE
> <Handler>
>         <AuthBy FILE>
>                 # The username of the outer authentication
>                 #  must be in this file to get anywhere. In this 
> example,
>                 # it requires an entry for 'anonymous' which is the 
> standard username
>                 # in the outer requests, and it also requires an entry 
> for the
>                 # actual user name who is trying to connect (ie the 
> 'Login name' entered
>                 # in the Funk Odyssey 'Edit Profile Properties' page
>                 Filename %D/users
>                 # EAPType sets the EAP type(s) that Radiator will 
> honour.
>                 # Options are: MD5-Challenge, One-Time-Password
>                 # Generic-Token, TLS, TTLS, PEAP, MSCHAP-V2
>                 # Multiple types can be comma separated. With the 
> default (most
>                 # preferred) type given first
>                 EAPType PEAP
>                 # EAPTLS_CAFile is the name of a file of CA 
> certificates
>                 # in PEM format. The file can contain several CA 
> certificates
>                 # Radiator will first look in EAPTLS_CAFile then in
>                 # EAPTLS_CAPath, so there usually is no need to set 
> both
>                 EAPTLS_CAFile %D/certificates/demoCA/cacert.pem
>                 # EAPTLS_CAPath is the name of a directory containing 
> CA
>                 # certificates in PEM format. The files each contain 
> one
>                 # CA certificate. The files are looked up by the CA
>                 # subject name hash value
> #               EAPTLS_CAPath
>                 # EAPTLS_CertificateFile is the name of a file 
> containing
>                 # the servers certificate. EAPTLS_CertificateType
>                 # specifies the type of the file. Can be PEM or ASN1
>                 # defaults to ASN1
>                 EAPTLS_CertificateFile %D/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>                 EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
>                 # EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile is the name of the file 
> containing
>                 # the servers private key. It is sometimes in the same 
> file
>                 # as the server certificate (EAPTLS_CertificateFile)
>                 # If the private key is encrypted (usually the case)
>                 # then EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword is the key to 
> descrypt it
>                 EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile %D/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>                 EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword whatever
>                 # EAPTLS_RandomFile is an optional file containing
>                 # randdomness
> #               EAPTLS_RandomFile %D/certificates/random
>                 # EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize sets the maximum TLS fragemt
>                 # size that will be replied by Radiator. It must be 
> small
>                 # enough to fit in a single Radius request (ie less 
> than 4096)
>                 # and still leave enough space for other attributes
>                 # Aironet APs seem to need a smaller MaxFragmentSize
>                 # (eg 1024) than the default of 2048. Others need even 
> smaller sizes.
>                 EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1000
>                 # EAPTLS_DHFile if set specifies the DH group file. It
>                 # may be required if you need to use ephemeral DH keys.
> #               EAPTLS_DHFile %D/certificates/cert/dh
>                 # If EAPTLS_CRLCheck is set  and the client presents a 
> certificate
>                 # then Radiator will look for a certificate revocation 
> list (CRL)
>                 # for the certificate issuer
>                 # when authenticating each client. If a CRL file is 
> not found, or
>                 # if the CRL says the certificate has neen revoked, 
> the authentication will
>                 # fail with an error:
>                 #   SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no certificate returned
>                 # One or more CRLs can be named with the 
> EAPTLS_CRLFile parameter.
>                 # Alternatively, CRLs may follow a file naming 
> convention:
>                 #  the hash of the issuer subject name
>                 # and a suffix that depends on the serial number.
>                 # eg ab1331b2.r0, ab1331b2.r1 etc.
>                 # You can find out the hash of the issuer name in a 
> CRL with
>                 #  openssl crl -in crl.pem -hash -noout
>                 # CRLs with tis name convention
>                 # will be searched in EAPTLS_CAPath, else in the 
> openssl
>                 # certificates directory typically 
> /usr/local/openssl/certs/
>                 # CRLs are expected to be in PEM format.
>                 # A CRL files can be generated with openssl like this:
>                 #  openssl ca -gencrl -revoke cert-clt.pem
>                 #  openssl ca -gencrl -out crl.pem
>                 # Use of these flags requires Net_SSLeay-1.21 or later
>                 #EAPTLS_CRLCheck
>                 #EAPTLS_CRLFile %D/certificates/crl.pem
>                 #EAPTLS_CRLFile %D/certificates/revocations.pem
>                 # Some clients, depending on their configuration, may 
> require you to specify
>                 # MPPE send and receive keys. This _will_ be required 
> if you select
>                 # 'Keys will be generated automatically for data 
> privacy' in the Funk Odyssey
>                 # client Network Properties dialog.
>                 # Automatically sets MS-MPPE-Send-Key and 
> MS-MPPE-Recv-Key
>                 # in the final Access-Accept
>                 AutoMPPEKeys
>                 # You can enable some warning messages from the 
> Net::SSLeay
>                 # module by setting SSLeayTrace to an integer from 1 
> to 4
>                 # 1=ciphers, 2=trace, 3=dump data
>                 SSLeayTrace 4
>                 # You can configure the User-Name that will be used 
> for the inner
>                 # authentication. Defaults to 'anonymous'. This can be 
> useful
>                 # when proxying the inner authentication. If tehre is 
> a realm, it can
>                 # be used to choose a local Realm to handle the inner 
> authentication.
>                 # %0 is replaced with the EAP identitiy
>                 # EAPAnonymous anonymous at some.other.realm
>                 # You can enable or disable support for TTLS Session 
> Resumption and
>                 # PEAP Fast Reconnect with the 
> EAPTLS_SessionResumption flag.
>                 # Default is enabled
>                 #EAPTLS_SessionResumption 0
>                 # You can limit how long after the initial session 
> that a session can be resumed
>                 # with EAPTLS_SessionResumptionLimit (time in 
> seconds). Defaults to 43200
>                 # (12 hours)
>                 #EAPTLS_SessionResumptionLimit 10
>         </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> ===
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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